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Sometimes we might want to specify a week in a certain month, such that when we filter with a specific date, we look if that date is in the same week as the one stored in the model.

We can solve this for example with an IntegerField and then determine the number of weeks since a specific date, for example January 1st, 19901.

The problem with such an IntegerField is that it takes a way a lot of convenience to determine the week number. For example when filtering for a specific week it requires that the programmer will need to convert the datetime object to a week number. It will require a lot of logic for example to join two items, or compare one week with a date object.

What problems are solved with this?

In this pattern we will discuss an approach to define extra fields like a WeekField and a MonthField. These fields will aim to implement querying in a transparent manner. The model fields will truncate the date(time) object to the start of the week or the month respectively, and also truncates the operands in case filtering is done with these fields.

What does this pattern look like?

Django's DateField is designed to store a given date. When creating a new field, the two methods that one often has to implement are to_python(…) [Django-doc] and get_db_prep_value(…) [Django-doc]. The first one is used to transform data from the database to its Python counter part2 whereas the latter is used to convert items to their database counterpart. The .get_db_prep_value(…) method will thus, for a DateField and DateTimeField, convert the date and datetime objects to a certain format the specific database backend understands. For example 2021-09-04.

What is interesting is that the .get_db_prep_value(…) method will call the .get_prep_value(…) function that will, on its turn call the .to_python(…) method. This thus means that both when serializing and serializing the data, the data is passed through the .to_python(…) method. Indeed, we see this if we inspect the source code [GitHub]:

class DateField(DateTimeCheckMixin, Field):
    # …

    def get_prep_value(self, value):
        value = super().get_prep_value(value)
        return self.to_python(value)

    def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False):
        # Casts dates into the format expected by the backend
        if not prepared:
            value = self.get_prep_value(value)
        return connection.ops.adapt_datefield_value(value)

We can make use of this by overriding the .to_python(…) method, and truncate the date/datetime to the corresponding week, month, etc. We thus can work with a DateTruncMixin that is implemented as:

class DateTruncMixin:

    def truncate_date(self, dt):
        return dt

    def to_python(self, value):
        value = super().to_python(value)
        if value is not None:
            return self.truncate_date(value)
        return value

we here thus make a mixin that will, in case the datetime is not None call the truncate_date which by default does not truncate.

With this mixin, we can implement fields that truncate like a WeekField and a MonthField. In this example a week starts on Monday:

from datetime import timedelta
from django.db.models import DateField

class WeekField(DateTruncMixin, DateField):
    def truncate_date(self, dt):
        return dt - timedelta(days=dt.weekday())

class MonthField(DateTruncMixin, DateField):

    def truncate_date(self, dt):
        return dt - timedelta(

The same logic can be applied for DateTimeFields:

from django.db.models import DateTimeField

class MinuteField(DateTruncMixin, DateTimeField):
    def truncate_date(self, dt):
        return dt.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)

class HourField(DateTruncMixin, DateTimeField):

    def truncate_date(self, dt):
        return dt.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)

Now we can thus implement variants for a WeekField, MonthField, QuarterField, 'SeasonField', etc. The idea is that we can use this for querying, creating, and updating values in a model that uses such field.

We can for example make a simple Week model with a WeekField:

from django.db import models

class Week(models.Model):
    week = WeekField(unique=True)

Now we can start creating Week objects. If we create the same Week object twice with .get_or_create(…) [Django-doc], then the second time it will use the old Week object, even if we query with another date of the same week, it will retrieve the Week object created by the first creation call. We can for example use two dates of the 35th week of 2021:

>>>> Week.objects.get_or_create(week='2021-09-04')
(<Week: Week object (1)>, True)
>>> Week.objects.get_or_create(week='2021-08-31')
(<Week: Week object (1)>, False)

In the database the date is stored as 2021-08-30:

mysql> SELECT * FROM week;
| id | week       |
|  1 | 2021-08-30 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

We thus can also compare two WeekFields effectively to check if they point to the same week. If for example our Week model would have a second field week2, then we can filter with Week.objects.filter(week=F('week2')) to check if the two fields are equivalent.

We can also retrieve the Week object we created with the start of the week as value for the week attribute:

>>> week = Week.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> week.week, 8, 30)

If we change the week to another date object, and save the object again, it is updated to the start of the week of that date object. If we query for the old week, then we do not get any object:

>>> from datetime import date
>>> week.week = date(2021, 9, 8)
>>> Week.objects.get(week='2021-9-6')
<Week: Week object (1)>
>>> Week.objects.filter(week='2021-09-04')
<QuerySet []>

There are still some issues when comparing the value for a WeekField with the value of a DateField for example, since the WeekField is, behind the curtains, just a DateField that is set to the beginning of the week. We however think that the fields defined above will result in more programmer convenience.

  1. since the first week of 1990 starts on a Monday.↩︎

  2. for example converting a JSON blob to Python objects.↩︎